Thursday, March 8, 2012


How to describe Barcelona? Amazing, fantastic, incredible?!

Barcelona has everything any metropolitan city has and more. The shopping, the nightlife, the amazing architecture, beautiful art, the Mediterranean sea, the tourists, the pickpockets, everything!

The highlight for the trip for me was catching up with my host sisters from Belgium, who I haven't seen for almost three years! It took about a day for me to flick back into French. At the start I was mixing French, Spanish and English, which was incredibly frustrating. Even though it had been almost three years, it felt like it was two weeks ago that we had said goodbye!

After having got up at 5:30 the morning of the 24th (February), taking the bus and then plane to Barcelona, as well as having to flick back to French, I was extremely tired. So we didn't do a lot, just ate out, wandered around and then I crashed before midnight.

Saturday, we got up and did a "free" tour around the Old City. I say free as it was a tour where you gave a tip at the end. We visited a place that was bombed in the civil war, the previous Jewish suburb and much more. Each part the guy had some sort of fascinating story to tell. The tour was a good two hours so by the end we were eager to go get a bite to eat and then check out La Sagrada Familia. We didn't end up going inside as we realised there wasn't a huge amount of time left and we wanted to still see Park Güell among other things. Standing outside La Sagrada was breath-taking enough. I cannot wait to go inside and check it out next time I make it to Barcelona.

A few metro rides and minutes of clinging onto our bags we arrived near Park Güell. There was a street that had escalators going right up to the entrance, which is great for lazy tourists! This would have to be my favourite place in Barcelona. It had awesome views of the city, right out to the Mediterranean. All the stereotypical tourists converged on and around the area with the multi-coloured tiled mosaic seats. Some were in circles drinking beer, others just basking in the afternoon sun. Too good! Unfortunately we had to move on but of course to see some more of Gaudi. Casa Batlló wasn't too far away on the metro. Again it is something that is hard to describe and photos alone won't do it justice.

That night we caught up with some of Alexia's friends from Mexico and went to a few bars before ending up in a club called Razzmatazz. As it is in big cities, 15 euro entry. Inside there are five different clubs each with a different theme and music playing, almost made the 15 euros feel worth it!

Sunday (26th February) came by way too fast and we were all so tired we went to the beach to get some vitamin D before heading back to the airport.

Barcelona was a fantastic city to visit. Although it is a part of Spain, they identify themselves as Catalan before anything else. Aside from the separatist sentiment I could also feel the economic turmoil that Spain is in right now much more than what I have in Oviedo. Luckily we didn't see any of the protests, which they are having in Spain at the moment.

Casa Batlló

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