Wednesday, January 25, 2012

País Vasco

Last weekend, the 21-22 was our first ESN trip away. We left bright and early on Saturday morning, destination: San Sebastian. After about five hours on the bus we arrived in an overcast beach city. We started by taking the funicular up to the top of one of the hills. Despite the drizzle and incoming fog the city was still very beautiful, you could definitely imagine why the beach is considered one of the best in-city beaches in the whole of Europe. About three minutes after taking this photo the fog swept in and the city completely disappeared.
Next we wandered along the sea wall. I have to admit, smelling the sea air and feeling the sea salt whip through my hair was refreshing, I miss being so close to the sea in New Zealand! When we got to the end there were three sculptures as well as seven breather holes, which when there is a strong swell, water and air rushes up through them. They were awesome! Next up was the city tour. By now the rain was really coming down and the realisation was sinking in that my feet were soaking wet. Not great but I still wanted to walk up to the statue of Christ and get a different view of the city, well worth it.
The next morning our trip continued on to Bilbao. Now Bilbao is something different again. Old churches tucked in between and behind small city lanes, lots of people wandering the streets, and a dark brown river that winds its way separating the old and the new city. We mainly explored the older part of the city and then in the afternoon, after a delicious three-course meal, we went to the Guggenheim in the newer part of the city. WOW. I loved it! Only five euros with my student card and an audio-guide included. The outside was an exhibition within itself. The entrance has a giant dog that is made out of flowers, around the side there is an enormous spider along side other creative pieces of art.
Tomorrow I am off to Madrid with fifteen other exchange students from Massachusetts. Better go pack!

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